The Office of the President's Special Envoy for Climate Change Control, Bali Provincial Government, and The Climate Reality Project Indonesia organized a seminar entitled The Role of Women in Climate Change Control on Thursday, December 8, 2016 at Wiswa Sabha, the Office of the Provincial Governor of Bali in Denpasar.
The purpose of the event, attended by over 150 people representing women's organizations in Bali, is to encourage women to do real and simple activities at individual level, or through collective actions in the community or in the workplace that support changes climate actions.
Speakers for the seminar include Rachmat Witoelar, President's Special Envoy for Climate Change Control; Mrs. Ayu Pastika, Family Welfare and Empowerment, PKK Team Leader of Bali Province; a team from the Environment Agency and the Eco-region Development Control Center of Bali and Nusa Tenggara; Amanda Katili Niode of The Climate Reality Project Indonesia; Suzy Hutomo, climate leader and the Executive Chairwoman of The Body Shop Indonesia and Merdi Sihombing, eco fashion designer Sihombing who focuses on Indonesian natural products. Murni Titi Resdiana, climate leader and the Assistant to the President's Special Envoy led the seminar sessions.
In his opening remarks, Rachmat Witoelar, the President's Special Envoy for Climate Change Control, stated that Indonesia should immediately change its development paradigm towards low-carbon development. Climate change is caused by human activity, but the good news is, the solution is already available. Women have a big role to convey information and to drive families and communities to take real actions.
Amanda Katili Niode, Manager of The Climate Reality Project Indonesia, said that involving women for climate change activities in Indonesia is necessary. They are very strategic target audience to convey the message of climate change solutions for behavior change in families and societies. All actions can be carried out in accordance with their respective capacities.
Mrs. Ayu Pastika, the Chair of the PKK Family Welfare and Empowerment, stated that climate change is a global problem. The government as well as societies should be responsible in addressing it. The Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana, the three reasons for prosperity (harmony among people, harmony with nature, and harmony with God) can be the basis of the Bali provincial government Green and Clean program. The role of women is very big for the success of this program. Education can be carried out by PKK, not just as a theory expressed, but also actions in the communities with activities that have economic value to the welfare of society such as making compost from organic kitchen waste, or planting a vegetable garden at home.
During the event, Suzy Hutomo shared some information on the environmental programs of The Body Shop Indonesia and actions in her household such as renewable energy, composting, no plastic policy, and reduce, reuse, recycle. Merdi Sihombing spoke about women empowerment programs in making natural textiles coloring from their surroundings, and showed his eco design creations made from natural products specifically from Indonesia.
Text and Images: Lia Zakiyyah
The purpose of the event, attended by over 150 people representing women's organizations in Bali, is to encourage women to do real and simple activities at individual level, or through collective actions in the community or in the workplace that support changes climate actions.
Speakers for the seminar include Rachmat Witoelar, President's Special Envoy for Climate Change Control; Mrs. Ayu Pastika, Family Welfare and Empowerment, PKK Team Leader of Bali Province; a team from the Environment Agency and the Eco-region Development Control Center of Bali and Nusa Tenggara; Amanda Katili Niode of The Climate Reality Project Indonesia; Suzy Hutomo, climate leader and the Executive Chairwoman of The Body Shop Indonesia and Merdi Sihombing, eco fashion designer Sihombing who focuses on Indonesian natural products. Murni Titi Resdiana, climate leader and the Assistant to the President's Special Envoy led the seminar sessions.
In his opening remarks, Rachmat Witoelar, the President's Special Envoy for Climate Change Control, stated that Indonesia should immediately change its development paradigm towards low-carbon development. Climate change is caused by human activity, but the good news is, the solution is already available. Women have a big role to convey information and to drive families and communities to take real actions.
Amanda Katili Niode, Manager of The Climate Reality Project Indonesia, said that involving women for climate change activities in Indonesia is necessary. They are very strategic target audience to convey the message of climate change solutions for behavior change in families and societies. All actions can be carried out in accordance with their respective capacities.
Mrs. Ayu Pastika, the Chair of the PKK Family Welfare and Empowerment, stated that climate change is a global problem. The government as well as societies should be responsible in addressing it. The Balinese philosophy of Tri Hita Karana, the three reasons for prosperity (harmony among people, harmony with nature, and harmony with God) can be the basis of the Bali provincial government Green and Clean program. The role of women is very big for the success of this program. Education can be carried out by PKK, not just as a theory expressed, but also actions in the communities with activities that have economic value to the welfare of society such as making compost from organic kitchen waste, or planting a vegetable garden at home.
During the event, Suzy Hutomo shared some information on the environmental programs of The Body Shop Indonesia and actions in her household such as renewable energy, composting, no plastic policy, and reduce, reuse, recycle. Merdi Sihombing spoke about women empowerment programs in making natural textiles coloring from their surroundings, and showed his eco design creations made from natural products specifically from Indonesia.
Text and Images: Lia Zakiyyah