Burgreens Dharmawangsa
Sunday, April 23, 2017
11.00 AM – 01.00 PM
An Oxford University study in 2015 concluded that a global switch to diets that rely less on meat and more on fruit and vegetables could save up to 8 million lives by 2050, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two thirds, and lead to healthcare-related savings and avoided climate damages of US$1.5 trillion.
Indonesia is a haven for vegetarians due to its choices of cuisines with vegtables, tofu, and tempe. Vegetarian can easily find eateries with vegetarian options.
In Jakarta, a place popular among yuppies is the Burgreens. It is the city’s first organic healthy plant-based eatery and catering operating as a social enterprise. Its mission is to serve customers the healthiest and most sustainable food in town.
Climate leader Lia Zakiyyah, a friend of Burgreens’ co-founders/co-owners, Max Mandias and Helga Angelina, introduced climate leaders, including Matthew Boms, to Max Mandias.
While enjoying vegan food such as Onigiri Platter, Vegan Hotdog and Tempeh Gomashio, climate leaders learned about how Burgreens makes healthy and more sustainable food delicious, fun, easy, and convenient for everyone. All items on the menu are handcrafted from organic or local natural plant-based ingredients that can satisfy the taste buds in ways unimaginable for healthy food.
Matthew Boms presented Climate Reality’s Green Ring to Max Mandias for his commitment to sustainable development.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
11.00 AM – 01.00 PM
An Oxford University study in 2015 concluded that a global switch to diets that rely less on meat and more on fruit and vegetables could save up to 8 million lives by 2050, reduce greenhouse gas emissions by two thirds, and lead to healthcare-related savings and avoided climate damages of US$1.5 trillion.
Indonesia is a haven for vegetarians due to its choices of cuisines with vegtables, tofu, and tempe. Vegetarian can easily find eateries with vegetarian options.
In Jakarta, a place popular among yuppies is the Burgreens. It is the city’s first organic healthy plant-based eatery and catering operating as a social enterprise. Its mission is to serve customers the healthiest and most sustainable food in town.
Climate leader Lia Zakiyyah, a friend of Burgreens’ co-founders/co-owners, Max Mandias and Helga Angelina, introduced climate leaders, including Matthew Boms, to Max Mandias.
While enjoying vegan food such as Onigiri Platter, Vegan Hotdog and Tempeh Gomashio, climate leaders learned about how Burgreens makes healthy and more sustainable food delicious, fun, easy, and convenient for everyone. All items on the menu are handcrafted from organic or local natural plant-based ingredients that can satisfy the taste buds in ways unimaginable for healthy food.
Matthew Boms presented Climate Reality’s Green Ring to Max Mandias for his commitment to sustainable development.