An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, is a Hollywood documentary film featuring former US Vice President Al Gore in his tireless fight traveling around the world training an army of climate champions and influencing international climate policy.
Cameras follow him behind the scenes – in moments both private and public, funny and poignant – as he pursues the inspirational idea that while the stakes have never been higher, the perils of climate change can be overcome with human ingenuity and passion.
As noted by The International Environmental Communication Association, Al Gore is the most distinguished environmental communicator today. We second the opinion and are certain that the documentary An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power along with its accompanying book are the latest and most effective climate change communication tools available.
Following the Indonesia Premiere of the movie we encouraged corporations and organizations to have a nobar with their employees and networks to mainstream the issue of the climate crisis and its solutions.
Nobar, in Bahasa Indonesia, short for Nonton Bareng or literally translated as Watching Together is a group screening, bettern known as Theater Party.
Two companies immediately supported the nobar idea, PT, Bank HSBC Indonesia and Lintas Group, a telecommunication holding company.
PT Bank HSBC Indonesia
Part of HSBC Group that in 1884 opened its first branch in Indonesia, PT Bank HSBC Indonesia offers a deep range of products and services in commercial, wholesale and retail banking & wealth management. It now has 99 branches in 29 cities all over Indonesia, employing 4800 people.
As the finance sector has an important role in efforts to combat climate change successfully, the HSBC Group states that it will play its full part in the critical transition to a low-carbon economy. It has committed to cut annual carbon emissions from 3.5 tons per employee in 2011 to 2 tons by 2020. In its work with communities the HSBC aims at helping young people reach their potential through access to education and entrepreneurship.
Nuni Sutyoko, Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Sustainability at PT Bank HSBC Indonesia, strongly suggested organizing the nobar immediately after the Indonesia Premier, to keep the momentum going.
PT. Bank HSBC Indonesia describes the documentary as a movie about how close we are to a real climate crisis and to get ready to make a difference for the future of our planet, for the future of our children.
A nobar was successfully held on Monday 18 September 2017 at Studio 2 Epicetrum XXI with a 300-seat capacity. In addition to its employees, PT Bank HSBC Indonesia invited officials from the British Embassy and representative of non-government organizations.
In her remarks at the nobar, Nuni Sutyoko recognized the importance of film as one of the best ways to deliver climate change message. She firmly believes that we all can contribute in understanding the issue and finding the solutions to the climate crisis.
Lintas Group
Since its establishment in 2011, Lintas Group Holding Company have successfully deployed core infrastructure, applications and managed services solutions to major telecommunication operator across the Indonesian archipelago and abroad.
Lintas Group of Companies consists of PT Lintas Teknologi Indonesia (telco industries), PT Logistik Teknologi Indonesia (enterprise industries), PT Informatika Solusi Bisnis (technology training), and PT LT International (overseas ICT market).
Lintas Group who was one of the supporters of the Indonesia Premier organized the nobar in the 300-seat Studio 2 of Epicentrum XXI, in conjuction with its regular Town Meeting on October 6th. The program started with lunch, followed by company update and announcement of its employees of the quarter, and nobar as the finale.
Subagia Handaja, the President Director and Founder of Lintas Group, informed us that the screening was mandatory for all of its 200 employees, including the Board of Directors.
Those who did not attend the movie screening will be noted and have their work performance points reduced, affecting year-end bonus. Employees on field duty were exempted with letters of permission from their managers.
A highlight of the screening was a quiz by the company's Finance Director to all employees: "Write down what Al Gore says in the movie that is relevant to our company.”
Employees put their answers in a box and six people who gave the best answers received US $250 each as gifts from the Finance Director personally (not company funds).
We were all curious on what should be the answer, and found out a week later that the correct answer was: Mother Nature can’t be fooled.
Corporate Benefits
Time and again we mention that nobar of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power is a powerful opportunity to help raise awareness and to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society.
Corporations and organizations benefit from the nobar as they are recognized as leading proponents to spread the truth about the climate crisis and the importance of implementing solutions together. Nobar encourages employees and students invited to be in the forefront of the movement to solve climate change problems, by gaining comprehensive knowledge and becoming agents of change.
Cameras follow him behind the scenes – in moments both private and public, funny and poignant – as he pursues the inspirational idea that while the stakes have never been higher, the perils of climate change can be overcome with human ingenuity and passion.
As noted by The International Environmental Communication Association, Al Gore is the most distinguished environmental communicator today. We second the opinion and are certain that the documentary An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power along with its accompanying book are the latest and most effective climate change communication tools available.
Following the Indonesia Premiere of the movie we encouraged corporations and organizations to have a nobar with their employees and networks to mainstream the issue of the climate crisis and its solutions.
Nobar, in Bahasa Indonesia, short for Nonton Bareng or literally translated as Watching Together is a group screening, bettern known as Theater Party.
Two companies immediately supported the nobar idea, PT, Bank HSBC Indonesia and Lintas Group, a telecommunication holding company.
PT Bank HSBC Indonesia
Part of HSBC Group that in 1884 opened its first branch in Indonesia, PT Bank HSBC Indonesia offers a deep range of products and services in commercial, wholesale and retail banking & wealth management. It now has 99 branches in 29 cities all over Indonesia, employing 4800 people.
As the finance sector has an important role in efforts to combat climate change successfully, the HSBC Group states that it will play its full part in the critical transition to a low-carbon economy. It has committed to cut annual carbon emissions from 3.5 tons per employee in 2011 to 2 tons by 2020. In its work with communities the HSBC aims at helping young people reach their potential through access to education and entrepreneurship.
Nuni Sutyoko, Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Sustainability at PT Bank HSBC Indonesia, strongly suggested organizing the nobar immediately after the Indonesia Premier, to keep the momentum going.
PT. Bank HSBC Indonesia describes the documentary as a movie about how close we are to a real climate crisis and to get ready to make a difference for the future of our planet, for the future of our children.
A nobar was successfully held on Monday 18 September 2017 at Studio 2 Epicetrum XXI with a 300-seat capacity. In addition to its employees, PT Bank HSBC Indonesia invited officials from the British Embassy and representative of non-government organizations.
In her remarks at the nobar, Nuni Sutyoko recognized the importance of film as one of the best ways to deliver climate change message. She firmly believes that we all can contribute in understanding the issue and finding the solutions to the climate crisis.
Lintas Group
Since its establishment in 2011, Lintas Group Holding Company have successfully deployed core infrastructure, applications and managed services solutions to major telecommunication operator across the Indonesian archipelago and abroad.
Lintas Group of Companies consists of PT Lintas Teknologi Indonesia (telco industries), PT Logistik Teknologi Indonesia (enterprise industries), PT Informatika Solusi Bisnis (technology training), and PT LT International (overseas ICT market).
Lintas Group who was one of the supporters of the Indonesia Premier organized the nobar in the 300-seat Studio 2 of Epicentrum XXI, in conjuction with its regular Town Meeting on October 6th. The program started with lunch, followed by company update and announcement of its employees of the quarter, and nobar as the finale.
Subagia Handaja, the President Director and Founder of Lintas Group, informed us that the screening was mandatory for all of its 200 employees, including the Board of Directors.
Those who did not attend the movie screening will be noted and have their work performance points reduced, affecting year-end bonus. Employees on field duty were exempted with letters of permission from their managers.
A highlight of the screening was a quiz by the company's Finance Director to all employees: "Write down what Al Gore says in the movie that is relevant to our company.”
Employees put their answers in a box and six people who gave the best answers received US $250 each as gifts from the Finance Director personally (not company funds).
We were all curious on what should be the answer, and found out a week later that the correct answer was: Mother Nature can’t be fooled.
Corporate Benefits
Time and again we mention that nobar of An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power is a powerful opportunity to help raise awareness and to catalyze a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every level of society.
Corporations and organizations benefit from the nobar as they are recognized as leading proponents to spread the truth about the climate crisis and the importance of implementing solutions together. Nobar encourages employees and students invited to be in the forefront of the movement to solve climate change problems, by gaining comprehensive knowledge and becoming agents of change.